Often individuals facing potential retrenchment lack the guidance, basic knowledge or skills to re-enter the job market confidently and therefore welcome such assistance. The offer of  job readiness support ahead of approaching the job market demonstrates a visible sign to affected employees that the organisation is doing its best to be supportive at a difficult and sensitive time, taking additional steps to assist with finding alternative employment.

We will partner with your organisation to assist affected individuals, to help them through the challenge of dealing with the uncertainties about their future and focus on areas of development or improvement to effectively re-enter the job market by way of providing the tools to make the job search more effective, productive and faster.

‘Outplacement provides former employees structure and guidance towards their new career option, and preserves the morale of those who remain in the Company who see that colleagues are given the necessary support when they leave the company.’ “Wikipedia”

‘Counselling and assistance in finding a new job, provided by a Company for an employee who has been or is about to be dismissed.’ “Dictionary.com”

Our Approach

We offer interactive workshops or 1-on-1 consultation.


The Outplacement Programme is designed to assist in increasing employability, improve morale and protect the employer brand from any potential reputational damage.

What we offer

Through consultation, we will scope the requirements and developmental areas selecting from the ‘basket’ of services to package a solution that meets your organisation and employee requirements.


  • What staying relevant means and how to remain relevant in a changing job market.

Job Seeker Resume

  • A practical ‘walk through’ of a Resume template.

Job Search Training

  • Job portals – key tips & insights to achieve effective results.
  • LinkedIn – we cover the importance of your LinkedIn profile
    “LinkedIn is where HR managers and recruiters are advertising or searching for candidates. It also gives the employee an opportunity to connect with a company or a person within that company directly.”
    Developing a Job Campaign Plan.

Social Media

  • Social Media behavior – why your professional behaviour in social media is so important.
  • Social media analytics.
    “Social media has the potential to cause immense and irrecoverable brand and reputational damage to organisations.”

Interview Preparation

  • Interview techniques, examples of what to expect and how to prepare.
    “Inter­views are an employee’s way of impress­ing an unknown hiring manager. It is important to prepare for an interview, no mat­ter what the posi­tion or level.”

A job readiness package, tailored to meet your requirements.

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